Caveat Loans are normally known as bridge loans or swing loans among the groups. These names have been given to the concept because of the nature of the loan. As per financial dictionary, “A loan for a short-term period, usually two weeks to three years, and the Interest rates are relatively high, often 12-15% called as caveat loan.” The tenure as well as the rates depends upon company to company as well as the country where the transaction is taking place. If you need some financial help for a short time then you can go for this loan. You need to repay the amount with interest within short time and the EMI will be deducted from your total loan amounts on monthly basis.
What are caveat loans? Are mortgage loans included in this scheme?Caveat Loans are typically like your other ones where you need to keep some security in return of the amount. These loans generally bridges the gap between the payments as in you have to pay for something but the other loan is not yet finalized, at that point of time you can work through this small amount and when the 2nd mortgage is finalized you can pay this one. These loans normally have a very fast turnaround time, here the level of formalities are not high along with the paper work.
We are saying Caveat again and again but what exactly the term means. As per the dictionary, “A caveat is a document that can be lodged on the government records of ownership (Title) of the secured real estate.”
It creates a legal binding where the person taking the loan cannot sell the said place until the amount is paid. Lender has the right to object if he/she finds something which is not in the favor of the loan but related to the caveat.
Even after such a detailed explanation many companies offer second mortgage loans under the name of Caveat Loans, which is obviously a wrong practice. So, whenever you need a small amount of funding or a Caveat Loan then make sure you check everything and are aware of all the terms and conditions before signing on the dotted lines.