Hydroponics has revolutionized the way we grow plants and it may be considered as the future of farming and gardening. If lack of space in the home is the reason for not growing fruits and vegetables, then hydroponics is the reply. Hydroponics is the subset of hydro culture and the way to growing plants without the use of soil. Here water solvent, mineral and nutrient solution are used. The concept of soil-less gardening is actually hydroponics. It does not use traditional soil medium to grow plants. The mineral rich water solution is being used to grow plants. Plants simply need some water, nutrients and sunlight to grow. Plant roots expand much better when in water and mineral solution.
You may buy ready-made solutions to grow plants. The water and mineral solution may either be bought from the market or it may be made at home. For different kinds of crops you need different solutions. The solution is prepared as per the chemical element required by the plants. You have to choose the right mix of nutrients including primary nutrients, secondary nutrients and micro nutrients. The solution may be stored in the food-grade container and away from light.
Factors to consider when growing plants through hydroponics
You may grow almost any type of plant by using hydroponic solution but certain plants grow better with it. They thrive more in water, and the nutrient solution. The choice of plants must be proper such that they do not expand more than the setup.
The set up of hydroponic garden is dependent on the sturdiness, size of plant and the roots development. A lot depends on the growth medium or solution culture. You need to choose one between them. You can grow tomatoes, cucumber, spinach, leafy greens and lettuce.
Do you lack space? Consider vertical hydroponics
Vertical hydroponics is meant for those who lack space in the home for growing plants. To prepare the system, you can use recycled materials. Your hydroponic system will be as green as possible. Hydroponics will grow healthy food and that too in large quantities in a smaller space. It helps to accomplish all the goals of organic farming. By using this technique, people can grow their own vegetables and fruits. If traditional agriculture is not possible, hydroponics is the best option.
What is Acquaponic?
You may also opt for an acquaponic farm to grow vegetables if you have just a small yard. Aquaponic actually imbibes the elements of hydroponics and aquaculture. Here in the aquaponic, the fish waste acts as a fertilizer to grow plants. A household-sized aquaponic system may require 3 feet by 5 feet area. Hydroponics will grow healthy food and that too in large quantities in a smaller space. It helps to accomplish all the goals of organic farming. By using this technique, people can grow their own vegetables and fruits. If traditional agriculture is not possible, hydroponics is the best option.
Major perks associated with hydroponics
Plants can grow at a very rapid pace with hydroponics may be even 50% faster. Fresh produce from the garden can be harvested all throughout the year.
There is no need for pesticides and herbicides here. It is contrary to the traditional way of growing plants.
Water used for hydroponic gardening can also be reused if you want. So, there is no need for water supply on a constant basis.
Less of gardening space is needed. So, if you do not have any space for growing plants, you may go for it.
It is very convenient to grow plants by using hydroponic system. Hydroponic nutrient system is the finest way to grow different kinds of plants. Certain vegetables can thrive much better under hydroponics.